Friday, June 5, 2015

AC Milan Sell to Thai Businessman Mr Bee

Silvio Berlusconi has given AC Milan for almost 48% of the 500 million euro to the businessman Thai Bee Taechaubol.

Silvio Berlusconi has given AC Milan for almost 48% of the 500 million euro to the businessman Thai Bee Taechaubol. The operation was called during the afternoon meeting at Arcore between Silvio Berlusconi, daughter Barbara and Mr. Bee. Present at the summit also senior executives of Fininvest, the chairman Marina Berlusconi, to the Pasquale Cannatelli, Danilo Pellegrino and Alessandro Franzosi, director, corporate finance and business development.

The hypothesis of Understanding to be examined "provides that control remains in the hands of club president Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest, which will report an absolute majority share of 52%.
As reported by Fininvest in a joint statement with Mr. Bee Taechaubol. "It 'was approved by Silvio Berlusconi - said in a statement - an agreement signed by the managing director of Fininvest Pasquale Cannatelli and Mr. Bee Taechaubol it plans to deal exclusively for a period of eight weeks a partnership related to the AC Milan "

AC Milan, seven times European champions, has been a central part of Berlusconi's media and political empire for three decades.

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