Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A military code for Mario Balotelli

No smoking, no boozing, no wacky haircuts and no silly clothes... Balotelli handed list of hardline rules by AC Milan bosses

AUGUST 26, 2015 - MILAN
It 'was clear Sinisa Mihajlovic in the meeting on Friday in Florence: "Mario, you will need to toe the line." It 'was even clearer Adriano Galliani that track a year marked by a "military rigor." The CEO Rossoneri did enter into contract Mario Balotelli a code of conduct extra (ie in addition to the one already in place to regulate all licensed AC Milan). As reported by Corriere della Sera , La Stampa and Il Giornale and All Sport , Galliani was inspired by the code of conduct Air Force.

BARRACKS - We are talking, then, of a series of behavioral rules to the barracks. Mario Balotelli will have to follow, if he will not be punished with the payment of penalties. And if, but this is the most important fact, it will prove with facts, and not only with words, to be truly changed. But what's inside this code? There is a bit 'of everything, but there are three important points: the social, personal care and health.
SOCIAL - Rule number one: Balotelli will not damage the image of the club. It will be followed step by step on everything, even his life on social: will, therefore, be careful what you tweet and what public on Instagram and Facebook. It was absolutely forbidden to spread news concerning the company, attitudes which may harm the image of Milan.
THE LOOK - A chapter "sensitive" is dedicated to the care of his person and a more personal sphere. It will give a rule with extravagant hairstyles, down a peg and wear clothes in keeping with the style that a club like Milan was given for decades.
HEALTH - Last, but not least, is the issue of health: Balotelli has accepted a smoking ban, to overcome a certain blood alcohol level, attending discos and night clubs, and of course to show up on time for workouts. In short, to follow a healthy lifestyle. From athlete.

Source: dailymail Online, gazzetta Online

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